I am using git for a while now. But I am accessing it over SSH without any management. This is enough till you want others to have access to your repositories.
Category: Linux
Finally I’ve installed and configured my first Monit instance. It’s monitoring system resources and some services like apache, postgresql, mysql and ssh daemon. I’m looking forward to receive a huge among of mails because of the system resources and checksum…
Knowledge base
After few years I’ve thought about having own knowledge base, so I don’t have to google the web for less common issues coming across, I’ve installed one on public domain. There is not a lot at this time, so I…
Interactive PS1
Nice PS1 config. Thanks to Michal Svoboda 🙂 export PS1=’\[\033[22;32m\]o\[\033[32;1m\]O\[\033[22;32m\]o `if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo “\[\033[32;1m\]:)”; else echo “\[\033[31;1m\]:(“; fi` \[\033[33;1m\]\w`if [[ $UID -eq 0 ]]; then echo “\[\033[31;1m\]”; else echo “\[\033[34;1m\]”; fi`\$\[\033[m\] ‘
Cipher Benchmark & Choosing Algorithm and Encryption Mode
I was always searching for a benchmark of encryption algorithms every time I was going to encrypt a hard drive. Every time!
SELinux: Own Policy
A very nice course was offered on the Czech Technical University this semester. One of the few where you are supposed to learn something useful. Something what does matter, something you may even need in your future. It was about…
A4M33VIA – Internet Application Development & Google Competition
Nice course in this winter semester from Google. It was only for 3 ECTS but every participant could apply to competition and win a Google Android phone from Samsung. The whole course was jammed into one whole day where one…
Birth of Leccinum
Last month I bought my new computer and installed my new favorite OS on it. After playing around for a while I started to think how to extend the usage of a personal PC.
My First Muti-Core
A week ago I bought my first Multi-Core computer. So I got into the question: “What operating system do I want to install?“. I bought it without pre-installed Windows, which is getting harder and harder.