Memory is one of the resource you will miss on microcontrollers. Also not all microcontrollers allow you to store data during power loss / restarts. When developing embedded devices you may want to take idempotency and statelessness into consideration since…
WS281x using PIC
The WS281x (WS2811/WS2812) is an RGB LED control circuit allowing to configure (color, intensity) of multiple LEDs over one data line. The LEDs with the integrated WS281x circuit can be simply connected in serial using 3 lines (5V, GND and…
BM78 Bluetooth Module – First glance
To enable interaction with the environment our project will need some kind of communication interface. After some research we decided to go with Bluetooth. A nice comparison can be seen in the video below starting at 8:20. To summarize: Tech….
PIC16F18855/75 with HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor
Objective Motion detection for light control or alarm trigger. Wiring Since we covered the basics in our previous posts adding another module is unspectacular from the circuit point of view. We will use our LCD circuit do demonstrate the output….
PIC16F18855/75 with DHT11
Temperature and Humidity sensor controlled by a PIC and displayed to an LCD for debugging. In the future the LCD may be replace, e.g., with a Bluetooth module and read by another system. The Wiring We base our example here…
PIC16F18855/75 with MCP23017 GPIO Extender
Even though some microcontrollers have a lot of GPIOs, sometimes one may find himself/herself in the need of even more. The MCP23017 is made for that purpose. In the previous post we learned how to setup a project to program…
20×4 LCD controlled by PIC16F18855/75 using LCM1602 IIC/I2C
We’ve already done some projects with Rasperry Pi. While Adruino and Raspberry Pi are great prototyping tools allowing fast development of proof of concepts, lot of resources, libraries and examples, it also comes with some pitfalls. In case of Raspberry…
Deployment (Nuklear) Football
Goal/Use case Let’s build a kind of a bigger gadget to deploy applications. This Deployment Football (Suitcase) will configure our monitor application, which then will be able to perform different tasks, e.g. deployment of a software by triggering Jenkins, Bamboo…
Mobile App for Raspi W2812 Light Strip
Controlling our Raspi W2812 Light strip now with an Android App…
Service Monitor Application
A modular monitoring application monitoring services, e.g., Jenkins, Sonar, … with different notifiers. One of which can be our Status Light with Raspberry Pi Zero and W2812 Led Strip we did last time.