For the purpose of my Master Thesis I put a LaTeX class Scriptum.cls together. A sample document made using this class can be downloaded here and the source code is also available as a tutorial. This PDF document is also a documentation to the LaTeX class.
% Permission is granted to copy all or part of the template class for personal, educational,
% non-commerical use off-line as long as the copyright message
% Copyright © 2010-2011 by Jan Kubovy
% is maintained and the message
% Scriptum LaTeX Class by Jan Kubovy (Copyright (c) 2010-2011)
% is present in the PDF Creator field (see below). This material may not be sold,
% incorporated in commercial documents or products, or used for promotional purposes. Links
% to my website ( are always welcome.
% Special thanks to Marek Sacha and Filip Navara who were a big help during the development
% of this template and also good friends during my studies at the Czech Technical University
% in Prague and at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz.
\ProvidesClass{Thesis}[2011/07/10 Thesis Template]
% V A R I A B L E S %
% Declare some variables to hold the text fields for the preliminary pages
% Initialize the variables to their default values
\Title{Unknwn Document}
\Author{Unknown Author}
I hereby declare under oath that the submitted \VariableField@DocName has been written solely by me without any third-party assistance. Additional sources or aids are fully documented in this paper, and sources for literal or paraphrased quotes are accurately credited.
% I herewith declare that I wrote the \VariableField@DocName by myself and without any help. I did not use any other than the quoted sources and means and that I marked all those passages which I took from the sources either lterally or analogously as such.
\textbf{\VariableField@Author} \\
% O P T I O N S %
\degree{[Name of Degree]}
\docname{[Document Name]}
\Title{[Title: Titles Must Be in Mixed Case and May Not Exceed Six Inches on One Line\\
and Must Be in the Inverted Pyramid Format When\\
Additional Lines Are Needed]}
\Author{[Author Name]}
\Abstract{[The abstract is a summary of the \VariableField@DocName with emphasis on the findings of the study. The abstract must not exceed 350 words in length and fit on one page, single spaced.]}
\Keywords{[A comma-separated list of descriptive words for search purposes]}
\Department{[Department Name]}
\Institution{[Institution Name]}
\Assignment{[The assignment should be here...]}
\Acknowledgments{[People who contributed, motivated, etc.]}
\Support{[Governmental support or support of an organisation, etc.]}
\degree{Bachelor of Science}
\docname{Bachelor's Thesis}
\degree{Master of Science}
\docname{Master's Thesis}
\docname{Working Notes}
\includegraphics[width=8cm]{signature.png} \\
\textbf{\VariableField@Author} \\
Date:~\dbdate\today T\settimeformat{dbtime}\currenttime ~
% T I T L E P A G E %
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% A S S I G N M E N T P A G E %
% S T A T E M E N T P A G E %
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% A B S T R A C T P A G E %
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\providecommand\pdfbookmark[3][]{} \pdfbookmark[0]{Abstract}{bm:Abstract}
\noindent \textbf{Keywords:}~\VariableField@Keywords
\noindent \textbf{Keywords:}~\VariableField@Keywords
% S U P P O R T P A G E %
\providecommand\pdfbookmark[3][]{} \pdfbookmark[0]{Support}{bm:Support}
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% Allow opt-out on acknowledgments
% A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T P A G E %
\providecommand\pdfbookmark[3][]{} \pdfbookmark[0]{Acknowledgments}{bm:Acknowledge}
% Allow opt-out on acknowledgments
% P R E L I M I N A R Y P A G E S %
% Define the macro for making preliminary pages
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pdfsubject = {\VariableField@DocName},
pdfkeywords = {\VariableField@Keywords},
pdfcreator = {Scriptum LaTeX Class by Jan Kubovy (Copyright (c) 2010-2011)},
pdfproducer = {dvips + ps2pdf}
\providecommand\pdfbookmark[3][]{} \pdfbookmark[0]{Contents}{bm:Contents}
% A command to handle single sided preliminary pages in a double sided environment
% Define the '\clearemptydoublepage' command to clear pages but not number any blank pages inserted.
% Load the class and needed packages
% P A C K A G E S %
\usepackage{nameref} % Name references
\usepackage{mdwlist} % List without spaces
\usepackage{graphicx} % Graphics and color packages
\usepackage{multirow} % Multi cell row package
\usepackage{rotating} % Rotating package
{\hfill \color{Gray}\fontsize{100}{130}\selectfont \Alph{chapter}}\newline
List of \ALG@name s
% A B B R E V A T I O N S %
\newabbrev#1{#2 (#3)}[#3]
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\chapter{List of Abbreviations} \@starttoc{abbr}
\newcommand\l@abbrev[2]{\par\noindent #1 \par} \makeatother
% T I T L E S F O N T S %
% P E R P A G E F O O T N O T E %
% R E V E R S E M A R G I N S %
% F O N T %
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% F A N C Y H E A D E R %
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% B O O K M A R K %
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% R E F E R E N C I N G O V E R R I D E S %
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% T O D O %
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\chapter*{Todo list} \@starttoc{tdo}
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% P A R T P A G E %
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% Some text
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% H I D E T I T L E F O R L I S T O F F I G U R E S A N D T A B L E S %
{\color{Gray}\fontsize{100}{130}\selectfont \Alph{chapter}}\\
List of Figures
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{\Alph{chapter}}List of Figures}
{\color{Gray}\fontsize{100}{130}\selectfont \Alph{chapter}}\\
List of Tables
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{\Alph{chapter}}List of Tables}
% D R A F T W A T E R M A R K %
% F O O T N O T E %
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% R E F E R E N C E S %
{\color{Gray}\fontsize{100}{130}\selectfont \Alph{chapter}}\\
% L I S T I T E M B U L L E T S %
% A D D I T I O N A L C O M M A N D S %
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