Sometime my small MacBook G4 does not connect to the network and it always gets a self-assignet IP 🙁
Month: July 2010
Finally I’ve installed and configured my first Monit instance. It’s monitoring system resources and some services like apache, postgresql, mysql and ssh daemon. I’m looking forward to receive a huge among of mails because of the system resources and checksum…
Knowledge base
After few years I’ve thought about having own knowledge base, so I don’t have to google the web for less common issues coming across, I’ve installed one on public domain. There is not a lot at this time, so I…
Interactive PS1
Nice PS1 config. Thanks to Michal Svoboda 🙂 export PS1=’\[\033[22;32m\]o\[\033[32;1m\]O\[\033[22;32m\]o `if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo “\[\033[32;1m\]:)”; else echo “\[\033[31;1m\]:(“; fi` \[\033[33;1m\]\w`if [[ $UID -eq 0 ]]; then echo “\[\033[31;1m\]”; else echo “\[\033[34;1m\]”; fi`\$\[\033[m\] ‘